Attendance Policies & Procedures​​​
*Parents and/or guardians must call JEL attendance office before 9:00A.M. in the event of an absence.
*NO CALL will result in an unexcused absence
*Students may be placed on Attendance Probation or withdrawn from their program after excessive absences in a semester, excused or unexcused
*Excessive absence letters are sent home after 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 days of absence in a semester
***Absences must be reported by a parent/guardian only. ***
Reporting an absence >>>
​317-576-5252 (English) or 317-259-5269 x44556 (Spanish)
Leave the following information:
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Name of child (please spell the first and last name, if leaving a voicemail)
Home School
Date of Absence
Reason for Absence
Request an early dismissal for an appointment
Leave the following information:
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Name of child (please spell the first and last name, if leaving a voicemail)
Date of Early Dismissal
Time of Early Dismissal
Student may pick up their Early Dismissal pass from the JEL Attendance Office.
If the office is closed, the pass will be at the JEL Front Desk.
Upon arrival, check in with the Attendance Secretary to get a Tardy Pass prior to going to class
Excessive tardies may result in a drop in grade, withdraw and failure from the program, or other consequence.​