One year, 3 hours per day
Recommended Prerequisite: 6 credits earned in a related CTE pathway, at least 16 years of age, and transportation
Earn high school credits while you gain real-world work experience!
​Course Information:
Work-Based Learning is a learning experience that connects knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom to those needed outside the classroom. Blending school and worksite experiences motivates students to acquire high-level academic and in-demand workplace skills that can lead to rewarding employment and future learning opportunities.
WBL is built into another JEL industry specific course as long as the placement coincides with current coursework and continues to build upon knowledge gained in the classroom. As a stand-alone option, WBL students will need to apply skills learned in previous coursework from (6) credit hours in the pathway. A typical student for this option would be a 2nd year JEL student working in the pathway of the program completed. Both programs are monitored by the WBL Coordinator and CTE teacher to assure emphasis on training for in demand workplace skills. An ideal student for this course will be at least 16 years of age and have access to transportation to and from the workplace.
$$$ Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/
Check out the IN CTE Career Guide​​​​ and see the in-demand occupations in Indiana!

I am the Work Based Learning Coordinator at J. Everett Light. I have a degree in Public Relations from Western Kentucky University, and have spent 11 years in public education, of which 9 were in IPS. I am passionate about making connections and creating communities, and love assisting students in figuring out what opportunities are available to them. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, cooking and reading.